Quite many Nigerian Students are faced
with the daunting task of knowing where
their teachers or lecturers (examiners)
set their questions from.
with the daunting task of knowing where
their teachers or lecturers (examiners)
set their questions from.
How many times have you or your
colleagues asked.. Sir, where do we read
for the exam, only to get the answer all
examiners give..."read what i taught you".
Today i want to break the jinx that have
bedevilled many of you, tertiary students,
secondary alike.
i want to show you some SIMPLE yet
POWERFUL secrets for unlocking the PIN
of your teachers examination question.
i want to introduce you to my OCTOPUS
PAUL friend schemes for correctly
predicting your lecturers (TM).
Before i set to do this, there are three
(3) vital infos you need to know that will
guarantee SUCCESS IN ANY EXAM! yes i
mean success.
1. Knowledge of YOURSELF
2. Knowledge of YOUR BOOK
3. Knowledge of YOUR EXAMINER
STOP bordering yourself about the
questions, if you ccan answer all three or
at least two of my questions above- you
are set to make waves in your class.
THREE (How to UNLOCK your teachers
examination questions pin)
Every person has a unique style, its bad
that many of us DON'T STUDY our
lecturers. we just think that they are
there only to bore us with their academic
escapades, far from that, if you can
understand you teachers nature, you have
gotten the KEY to unlocking him/her.
Your lecturer/examiner would fall into any
of these type of teacher
a. He/she comes to class and gives notes
and explains
b. He/she comes to class and keeps talking
to himself. He has no regard if his
students are understanding or not.
c. He/she comes to class, talks a little and
gives assignments
d. He/she comes to class, talks and talks
and gives his notes out for photocopy or
asks you to get his materials.
e. he doesn't come to class until end of
three weeks to exams
THE trick is No matter the type of
lecturer you have, the key is just to
understand his/her nature.
You will need two (2) things
-Pass Questions
-Constant attendance in class (yes, the
more often you are the better your
To examiner (A)-- if he gives note a lot,
read, meditate the note and GIVE IT
BACK to him or her as it is. if possible,
you can cram and pour.. i call that "la
cram, la pour". The reason being that such
a person has limited his views to the note
and his power of explanations. be very
sensitive in those classes, OFF NOTE
POINTS are actually expos, so just give
back a summary of the note, be free to
add any research you do as personal
consumption. i beg o, no go do over sabi,
otherwise your GP is at stake.
EXAMINER (B)- such doesn't give a damn
in class, so he doesn't care if you pass or
fail, Just DOWNLOAD HIS NOTE back to
him. Do control A, control C and control V.
He is so stereotype, he would not even
care.. they are good at giving free marks.
EXAMINER (C)- because he talks less, he
needs LESS NOTES always go straight to
the point. His secrets are assignment.
Such a person is more likely to use
continuous assessments. Do all
assignments he/she gives and keep back
the scripts for study later. Questions will
certainly pop up from the assignments. he
loves research, so be prepared to do
research and prove your worth.
the material. then when you get it, the
secrets is the areas he/she teaches you
out of it. this kind of lecturer is very
lazy, he is more likely to repeat questions,
so cram his pass questions and also do a
summary of his material as answers to his
questions. If possible, highlight and give
instances of his works, thesis etc.. he
really likes being praised and hyped.
EXAMINER (E) - this examiner is very
smart and energetic. you will have to
prove your worth to him. This is the trick,
look out for past questions and also keep
your ears peeled in class, he is the most
likely to give out AOCs (Area of
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